Monday, August 25, 2008

Heading to the Big Stinky Apple

It's been awhile since I've posted, and with good reason: Nothing has been happening.

As I said before, I was simply waiting for things to move through the process. Well, they did, and I am on my way to the Korean Consulate in New York City tomorrow to take part in a Visa interview.

From what I've heard, it's roughly 15 minutes long and they just want to make sure I'm not insane or have some bad intentions for my time there. Fortunately for them and me, I pass both of those tests.

So I'm jumping on a plane in the morning, getting interviewed in the early afternoon, then picking up my passport on Wednesday with my E2 Visa stamp in it.

I also found out that I'll be getting on a plane for Incheon, South Korea on Thursday, Sept. 4. I asked for a few more days in town since I knew I had to make this NYC trip. It gives me the chance to tie up the last couple of stories for the newspaper and see family and friends one last time before I take the big plunge.

I have been studying my Korean phrase books and work books for the last two weeks now and am very happy about my progress. I can already recognize their alphabet and the sounds the letters make, as well as word construction. So I'll be able to read all the signs and whatnot, even though I won't know what it means yet. I think it's a good start anyway.

I'll update this after the interview and let everyone know what that's like.

So it goes ...

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