Monday, March 1, 2010

Jeong Mi's Dad Turns 60

In Korea, turning 60 is a big event. They have a big celebration for the honoree called a Hwan Gab (환갑), in which family and friends attend to with the person a happy birthday and continued good health.

I was fortunate enough to be invited by Jeong Mi's family to her father's Hwan Gab. This would be my first time to meet her family -- and it was her ENTIRE family (except for her older sister, who lives in Los Angeles. But we're Facebook buddies already.).

Her family was, for the most part, very warm and welcoming to me. Her dad and brother were especially kind. Her mother was nice, but not as warm as her father and brother. I understand I'll still have to prove myself to her. That's fine. I really enjoy getting to know families, and this will be no different.

The celebration included a ceremony where Jeong Mi stood up front with her father, mother and brother and said some nice things about her father. She even sang happy birthday to him in front of the whole crowd. It was quite entertaining. In the pictures, you'll see a screen with birds and a tree. They represent long life, and are an appropriate symbol for this celebration.

The event was held at a celebration hall with a giant buffet. The food was delicious, the drinks were plentiful and the company was enjoyable. All in all, it was a really great afternoon.

Check out all the pictures here and see why I'm so happy.

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