Monday, November 16, 2009

Ridia Being Pulled Two Directions

First off, let me make a little correction. I thought our co-teacher's name was spelled Lydia. She pronounces it that way. But she wrote it down today and it is Ridia. I will try to go back and fix it when I get a chance, but if I never do, just know that Lydia and Ridia are the same person. It's always confusing to me when a Korean chooses a name with letters they either can't pronounce well or confuse with other letters. That's why I avoid the ㄹ at all costs. It is the R and L mix. I just don't want to deal with that.

Anyway, Ridia is being yanked around at school and I know that's frustrating for her. Unfortunately, there's not much Geoff and I can do to help.

The principal told her to focus on being in the classroom, while the vice principal told her to focus on managing Geoff and me. Now, clearly the principal is a higher rank, so she would logically listen to him. But this is Korea, and logic is in short supply. She has to find a way to please both of them, or risk getting her head chewed off.

Ridia has two different bosses. Multiple bosses are funny in 'Office Space,' but frustrating in real life.

If Geoff and I can help at all, we will. But we are in a position of negative power, essentially. We just have to do our job the best we can and hope it reflects on Ridia.

We have to go out with teachers twice this week. Some can go on Tuesday and some can go on Wednesday, so we are locked into meeting both days. I like meeting with my co-workers a lot, but my new schedule makes it harder to have a good time and get up for work the next day. Boo.

We just have to keep working hard to make Ridia look good. I know she's doing a good job, but management is usually blind around here.

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