Monday, March 14, 2011

Soccer, Bad Movie and Faulty First Impression

Let's get this out of the way right now: I was clearly tricked by the initial impression I got from the vice principal. Like clockwork, she has already loaded more work onto Geoff, Ridia and me. She's making Geoff and me do an extra class on Wednesday, when we had our only break of the day.

Fortunately, she is paying us OT for it, because it puts us an hour over our limit. But I prefer the rest/prep time. This semester doesn't leave us a lot of room for prep time, and I liked having that extra hour on Wednesday. Instead, I'll be babysitting 20 first and second graders for an hour. What a shocker.

On a brighter note, it's been an entertaining week outside of work. Now that the weather is warming up, it's easier to get outside and do stuff, rather than just sitting in a bar playing darts.

Jeong Mi and I caught 'Black Swan" at the neighborhood theater last night. Jeong Mi really enjoyed it. Besides some of the sex scenes, I didn't really find anything appealing about the movie. Not my type of flick. But it's good that Jeong Mi liked it. I know she'd prefer to go to more movies, but I don't like just sitting there for two hours. I need something more social.

And that's why last Saturday was nice. Pel, Popper, Tim Woo Min, Woo Min's girl and I went to the Incheon United soccer team's home opener against Jeju United. We loaded up on beer and enjoyed the beautiful weather. The game was nothing special. It ended 0-0. But we had a really nice time. The weather was warm and the beer flowed freely. It was a really fun day.

Hopefully I'll be hitting two more soccer games this week, as well as a preseason baseball game with Barry in Seoul. We'll follow SK as they take on Doosan. It's going to be a fun week outside of work.

Check out our soccer pics here and expect more soon.

Also on a good note is that both of my discussion groups went well. The guys all came prepared and we had a nice discussion. Everyone followed pretty well, and we're all learning. So we're meeting again this Thursday.  Jeong Mi and I worked on our discussion when we met Alex and Pel for dinner. So they peppered her with some questions, as well. She did a good job, and we're meeting again Wednesday. As long as everyone keeps working hard, the group should continue to go well.

Warm weather is arriving, and I need to simply keep my thoughts outside of the office. That's how I can keep sane here.

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