Before I get to the weird and illogical stuff happening at work, I'll tell about my decent weekend.
First off, Happy Birthday to Colin Beaton, one of the few decent Canadians in the world. On Friday night, we celebrated his birthday. I had to go home early because I had to work Saturday (more on that further down).
On Saturday afternoon, Chris came in from Suwon and we went to the Incheon United soccer game. They played Jeju United. There are 8 teams in the league, and they couldn't find different names? Welcome to Korea.
Anyway, the soccer was entertaining and it ended in a 3-3 draw.
After that, we went to InHa for a couple drinks, where my college student Smith met up with us for a bit.
One refreshing occurrence is that a group of Korean guys approached us in the bar and wanted to play darts, It's so rare to be approached by a Korean on friendly terms, let alone a group of guys. But we played and had a great time. A little of my faith in humanity has been restored.
Sunday was just a rest day, and Monday was simply work. But on Tuesday, I went to Yeonsudong to hang with Dan and try out screen golf. They have this in America, too, but I've never done it anywhere. We were in a private room with a big projection screen. You simply hit the ball into the screen. It's a giant video game.
Also, I'm just as bad at screen golf as I am at real golf. Oh well.
Anyway, the Jungchul news has everyone's heads spinning.
First off, I was asked to go to the Songdo campus Saturday at 2 p.m. to help prepare interviews for them to become an international school. Well, as is always the case, information is either withheld or changed.
So then I was asked to go at noon, and that I was actually interviewing students for their entry into the school. Well, I was a little perturbed that I wasn't told this more than a day before it was happening.
But I went in and did it anyway. I'm supposed to get paid extra, so that's motivation enough sometimes.
On Monday, Eli suddenly was taken from Okryundong campus to Songdo campus and no one knew why. None of the teachers, and not even our head teacher, knew.
Well, it turns out that Songdo got about 30 new students who they now have to prepare for the next to months for entry into Sondo International School. We still don't know what happened to their plans to actually become an international school, but they seem to be a prep school for it now.
The catch is only native speakers or Koreans who have lived abroad for a long time can teach the classes. So Eli and Jess have been told they will be doing it.
Still, none of us know all the details. As of Monday, Eli was introduced to the parents and told he was starting Tuesday. Of course, he didn't even have a curriculum or any books to look through and prepare himself.
So we're all watching to see what happens to this situation. Maybe the only change is that Eli will be there full-time for the next two months. I have a feeling something more will be going on soon.
So anyway, here are some pics from the Incheon United game. Check them here.
And here are some random pics from the edge of Okryundong, looking toward the Incheon bridge and Songdo City. The bridge should open around October and link the new Songdo International City to the Incheon International Airport. Check the pics here.
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