Monday, April 12, 2010

Bamboo MT -- Best Weekend Yet

I went on Membership Training with my Bamboo Salsa Academy friends this weekend and it was one of the best pension trips I've done yet. We rented a big log cabin in Ganghwado, about an hour north of Incheon. More than 50 people showed up for the fun.

When we first arrived, we played choku, which is a game that combines volleyball and soccer. Needless to say, I love it. For one of the series, we put 50,000 won on it, and my team, of course, won the series in a sweep.

After that, we started grilling the samgyupsal and other typical Korean foods. That's also when the drinking started. That's a good thing, because the games came next.

We choose four teams of about 10-12 people each. The first game was the 007 game. It's a speaking and pointing game where you try to make your competition say the wrong thing or make the wrong move. Next was a game where you had to blow on a balloon to keep it up in the air. They first did groups and then solo. I did the dolo run for my team and won the points for us!

That was followed by a quiz game, in which my friends just dragged me from side to side, depending on the answer. Next we did a charades-type game. My team choose me as our respresentative. They acted the clues out and I answered -- in Korean! I only got 5 of them right, but that still got us third place. So -- not last!

After that was the best part of the night. It was the Bamboo drag show. I wasn't my team's representative, but you'd better believe they wanted to see me do it. And guess what -- I looked good. They had all the contestants come down first and get judged. Then, they played special music as I made my entrance and danced to an entire song. It was really fun and everyone enjoyed pointing how much I really looked like a chick. I even committed myself to it to the point that I shaved my beard for it!

After the show, the music started playing and everyone started dancing, drinking and hanging out.

The next morning, we got up and I went for a little walk around the countryside with Jeong Mi. We then ate breakfast, cleaned the log cabin and headed home.

On our way home, we stopped at what will become the newest Bamboo Dance Academy. It's being opened by my best Korean friend, Eun Sang. He even asked me to teach a children's class on Saturdays. That sounds pretty awesome. After the competition is over, I definitely want to be a part of that.

So it was a pretty great weekend. It was easily one of my best weekends in my entire time in Korea. The only downside is I caught a little bit of a cold. But it's worth it for all that fun.

Enjoy the pictures. They're going to blow your mind!

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