Sunday, August 16, 2009

More Wacky Korean News

1. The most-hated columnist in Korea, John Huer, wrote an article in The Korea Times about the prevalence of plastic surgery.

Check the article here.

2. The North is ready to destroy the South over some military drills between the US and South.

According to the article:

' "Should the U.S. imperialists and the Lee Myung-bak group threaten the DPRK (North Korea) with nukes, it will retaliate against them with nukes," KCNA quoted a military official as saying. Lee Myung-bak is South Korea's president.

"The U.S. imperialists and the Lee Myung-bak group should clearly understand that it is the iron will and resolute stand of the Korean People's Army to go into action anytime to mercilessly wipe out the aggressors," the official said. '

Check out the full story here.

3. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette did a review/story on a Korean restaurant in Cecil, Pa. -- probably the last place I would expect a Korean restaurant to be located.

Read about it here.

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