Sunday, March 14, 2010

Korean Style Of Dining Becoming Popular?

An article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette says family-style dining is a good way to try some new dishes. Family-style is the way Koreans eat almost all of their food. It involves ordering dishes that everyone, for the most part, agrees upon, and sharing them.

I've grown accustomed to this way of eating, considering of been here for almost a year and a half now. And I even understand it as far as eating traditional Korean food goes. But it's still strange when we're in a western-style restaurant and Koreans do the same thing.

For example, Jeong Mi and I got Burger King today. She cut our burgers in half so we could share them. It's not the first time I've experienced something like that, but it's certainly the most recent.

This way of dining is kind of fun with a big group of people, because you'll have a pretty large selection of food to choose from. But if you're only with one or two other people, and only like one of the three dishes ordered, then you're kind of out of luck. They're going to eat that dish that you like, so you won't get a big portion of it. They'll also eat the dishes they like, which you'll have no interest in. Then you get to split the bill. Just one small negative to it.

Notice in the article that a Korean restaurant in Oakland is mentioned. That's just appropriate.

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