Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bonojit Hussain's Story

This is the first time I've seen this story told by the offended party.

On July 10, Hussain was the victim of discriminatory remarks from a Korean man. Hussain, a research professor at a Korean university, was riding the bus with a female Korean colleague when the Korean man verbally abused him.

On Nov. 27, Incheon district court convicted the Korean man and charged him with a 1 million won ($863) fine.

Lawmakers are also in the process of trying to pass an Anti-Discrimination Bill.

We'll see where this all leads. I think it's a step in the right direction.

* Note - I've faced discrimination in similar respects. I've had drunk Koreans yelling insults at me. But keep in mind, these are the dirtbags of the Korean society. Most people here are good people. But you have to take the losers with the winners, don't you? Bummer, but don't let it get you down.

Hopefully this bill will go through and single out the jerks and reduce the attacks like Hussain faced.

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