Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blast From the Past -- Fan Death

In Korea, whenever there are detractors from typical Korean culture or thinking, there's always someone else on the other side ready to say, "If you don't like it, go home."

I think that's the wrong response. No matter what country you're in, I see no problem with criticizing things. When I make a critique, I'm not telling a country to change or ranking it in any way, I'm usually just venting. Sometimes speaking with other people about things helps me understand the situation better.

That being said, I have met NO westerners who disagree about fan death. Yes, fan death! It's the claim that sleeping in a room with windows and doors closed and a fan pointed directly at you will kill you. Many Koreans have claimed various scientific answers to why fans can kill. All of these reasons aren't really scientific and are, in fact, just ridiculous.

With that introduction, here is an article from 1997(!) about why fan death is ridiculous. Not much has changed in the last 12 years, huh? Check it out. Have a good laugh.

Fan Death - It's a real killer.

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