Friday, September 11, 2009


Well, I made it home. Unfortunately, my last flight of the day was delayed a bit, taking my total travel time (including drive time home) came to roughly 29 hours.

It was already 1 a.m. when we were on our way home, so there wasn't much open. But dad and mom pulled into a Subway for me. I experienced my first instance of forgetting English, unfortunately.

The girl asked me what cheese I wanted on my sub, and I just stared at the cheeses for about 20 seconds. Then I said to her: "I don't remember the names of the cheeses."

Yes, it's a new low in my life. I've forgotten cheese names.

Anyway, I'm simply exhausted from the trip, so I won't even really unpack tonight. It's just time to get some rest and take some medicine for this "cough" I got from the plane ride. Yikes.

1 comment:

Jessie Young said...

Thanks Aaron, I laughed out loud. Sorry for your difficulty although I am confident all the important ones like beer and ketchup will come back quickly. Love you a million and it would be really fun to catch you on you leave.