Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Feel Shame ...

... because I actually like a K-pop song. Now, there are songs that came out during my time here that I found catchy. And there are a couple others that I do really like to listen to -- to the point of making them a favorite on Youtube.

But this is my first coming out (appropriate term) to admit on my blog that I like a song.

It's called 처음처럼/Like The First Time by a group called Tiara. Prior to this, they released a song called BoPeep, which may have been the most annoying song/dance in the history of the world. I mean ... the whole world.

But I like their newest song because it reminds me of an '80s tune ... a lot. A lot of K-pop songs have an '80s feel, but utilize the annoying autotune, ruining it forever.

But this one has a good beat and a rockin' synthesizer with NO autotune. That's all it takes for me, I guess.

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